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Although accounts of witchcraft and demonic possession can be found from virtually all cultures around the world, in the wake of the Reformation and the European wars of religion in the fifteenth century, accusations of witchcraft and instances of…
Christoph Haizmann a Bavarian artist who reported selling his soul to the Devil. Haizmann claimed to be possessed multiple times after until he committed suicide. He was a painter working in Austria and he made nine paintings that illustrated his…
This image, also known as symptoms of hysteria I is created by Jean-Franois Badoureau depicts Louise Latreau, a patient in Jean-Martin Chacot's clinic, experiencing a hysterical attack in the late nineteenth century. The drawing shows the…
This illustration of a biblical possession in noted for its attention to architecture and was displayed in the Philadelphia Museum of Art in the John G. Johnson Collection, 1917. The image is by that artists Francesco d'Antonio, 1425-1426. The…
This sixteenth-century French engraving depicts St. Catherine of Siena (1347-1380) performing an exorcism of a female demoniac. The image most likely comes from an illustrated bibliography of the St. CatherineÍs life and miracles. Men performed most…
The eighteenth-century Dutch artist Gerard Hoet illustrates a biblical possession of Mark 1:23 in which Christ expels an unclean spirit. The male demoniac is seen on one knee in the foreground of the illustration. He is being restrained by two male…
Saint Hugh of Lincoln exorcises a male demoniac possessed by the Devil, created by Gherardo Sternina, (1404-1407). This fifteenth century image is held in the Museo Poldi Pezzoli. The male demoniac has been restrained by rope at the wrists and ankles…
This engraving by Jacques Callot depicts an unidentified woman during her exorcism. The female demoniac's back is arched, her limbs are extended, and her head is twisted to her left. A picture of the Virgin Mary, whose help was often solicited in…
This image by Jermono Nadal is from Evangelicae Historiae Imagines. The Biblical Possession shows Christ healing a blind and mute demoniac from 1593. The sixteenth century illustration shows the male demoniac kneeling before Christ. The illustration…
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